Respect and Teamwork Power STS Technical Services Forward

06 Apr 2016 Bryan Shaw


At STS Technical Services, we are dedicated to maintaining positive and productive relationships with our customers and employees. The foundation of these relationships is built on teamwork, communication and respect.

Teamwork is required at every stage of the relationship. Words cannot adequately express the importance of working together to achieve common goals. If a Customer doesn’t provide an accurate job description, we cannot provide the best employee for the job. If we don’t complete appropriate reference and background checks, we may place an employee in a position they’re not actually qualified for. If an employee doesn’t show up for work, our customer may not meet their goals, etc… This list could go on forever!

An open line of communication is the oil that keeps this machine running smoothly. We strongly encourage our customers and employees to speak up if something is not meeting  their expectations as we cannot improve a situation until we are aware there is a need / desire for improvement.

It is our company’s priority to provide the best service possible, and to do that, everyone must be willing to communicate expectations, voice their opinions and implement plans to reach the goals at hand.

At STS Technical Services, we have a Contractor Care Department that is dedicated to maintaining contact and addressing concerns with our contract employees throughout their assignments. It is our goal to make them feel like a part of our family rather than just another number working for just any staffing company.

One of the most important aspects of any relationship, be it professional or personal, is respect. You heard it… R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Respect each other’s needs, time and opinions. Try not to cancel or reschedule meetings at the last minute. Understand that everyone has a job to do, and their time is important. Hear each other out and don’t interrupt. Do not yell or use profanity, even if you are upset, and even if the other person fails to your goals. Try to compromise when possible to best meet the needs and desires of all parties involved.

Respect goes a long way toward keeping business relationships positive while also promoting the sense of  teamwork that’s needed to make the project run smoothly.

Unlike most staffing agencies, you get a true partner when you work with STS Technical Services. We look forward to working with you, and you’ll look forward to tackling your next project with communication, teamwork and respect resting at the hear of it.
